
In Spain there are about 4,000 people affected by ALS, with 900 new diagnoses each year. The Luzon Foundation has organized the I International Congress of the ALS Community (CincELA) with the aim of continuing to articulate an International Community around the disease. The future of research involves greater public-private involvement in the search for tools based on R+D+i to improve the quality of life of patients. Experts advocate promoting the role of new technologies and the implementation of telemedicine for the care of patients whose mobility is affected.

In this sense, Exeira has participated as a Collaborator in the I International Congress of the ALS Community (CincELA) held on September 13 and 14 at the CaixaForum in Madrid. In turn, Exeira sponsored the award in the category of TECHNOLOGICAL AND ASSISTANCE INNOVATION.

In Spain, nearly 900 new cases of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) are diagnosed each year, a figure similar to the total number of people who die each year from this disease. These data allow us to deduce that, while research advances, one of the priority challenges for the people who make up the ALS community is to share best practices in clinical and social care for people with the disease.

This meeting was intended to be an opportunity to give visibility to the disease, to improve comprehensive care for those affected and to find new models to overcome the lack of investment to promote research. It also seeks to be a step forward in the key objective of the Luzon Foundation: to continue to articulate an International Community around ALS”.